
Robert Hoffmann
4 min readMay 7, 2020


In the past 3 months of closely monitoring the COVID situation, i’ve started amassing quite a few sources for research statistics.

This is a non-exhaustive list of the tools i found most useful to get a better grasp and keep tabs on the situation.

WorldoMeters : Statistical monitoring of world activities, with a special section dedicated to monitoring COVID-19

Real-Time world-wide monitoring of daily new cases, deaths, testing rates, and much more.

EuroMOMO : A European mortality monitoring activity, aiming to detect and measure excess deaths related to seasonal influenza, pandemics and other public health threats.

Very helpful in comparing past situations to the current one in Europe. A shame the age groups are very coarse.

Data.Gouv : French health minister COVID data dashboard

Geodes : French health minister data dashboard

Not very ergonomic, but you can dig into quite a bit of information, and not just related to COVID.

EpiCentro : Italian health institution data reports

Italy was one of the first countries to be pretty transparent in what is going on with them. The also offer a report version with breakdown of comorbidity.

NextStrain : Open-Source COVID-19 gene mutation monitoring.

Excellent tool that shows the rapid mutation and spread across the world of Sars-Cov-2. It shows the challenges of creating a reliable vaccine against a rapid mutating strain. It should be known that the Flu vaccine must be re-targeted every year because of it’s rapid mutation rate. It is also publicly documented knowledge that the Flu vaccine lowers the rate of someone getting the Flu from 2% to 1%, and that someone not vaccinated has a 16% chance of developing symptoms vs. 10% for someone that is vaccinated. Thus we can extrapolate that a viable & efficient vaccine for COVID is somewhat complicated.

CDC : Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in the United States — 2018–2019 influenza season

Interesting point here is not the case numbers, but the breakdown of Age/Sex demographics to see who is most vulnerable. This mirrors the information from Italy very nicely.

Community Contributed : COVID-19 world predictive stats

SUTD Data-Driven Innovation Lab : Predictive Monitoring of COVID-19

Viruses epidemics usually follow a predictable bell shaped curve. This is and effort of the Singapore University of Technology & Design to apply real-time predictive monitoring.

FluView : CDC viral surveillance monitoring dashboard

Great find, which shows how multiple types of viruses (influenza A/B, H1N1, H3N2v) circulate throughout a normal Flu season in the USA. We can see that before 2008 there was no H1N1 virus in circulation. That an eruption of H1N1 occurred in 2008-09, and that H1N1 has not disappeared from the “Flu” landscape, but that it dominates strands from 2009 till today. Maybe the Sars-Cov-2 variant will subclass the the other variants, like H1N1 did.

INSEE : French national institute of statics

They kind of “forgot” to include 2017 in their stats on this page, but it has a couple of nice figures like the progress of death rate by age range.

FranceTVInfo : French journal stats dashboard.

One of the few dashboards that makes it easy to see age/sex case groups for France

You can contact me on LinkedIn

I also did a deep dive to figure out what the current medical guidelines on COVID-19 are (Research & Clinical feedback), and what natural analogs would give the best results in the case of not being able to access medical services.

I am not a Doctor or a Medical Expert, but simply a Software/R&D Engineer with over 20 years of experience, that has spent the last 5 years learning about Nutritional Medicine, Nutraceutics, Nootropics, and Senescence.

And i’m pretty compassionate about how we can better our lives by respecting our bodies, minds, kin, and environment. (..that, and: tech, gadgets, psychology, sociology, extreme sports, but also some meditation and down-time^^)



Robert Hoffmann

Passionate about technology, health, and psychology. 20 years of experience in the Digital Domain (Marketing, B2B/B2C, Communication, R&D/Development)